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Given a string s
, return the longest palindromic substring in s
Example 1:
Input: s = "babad"
Output: "bab"
Explanation: "aba"
is also a valid answer.
Example 2:
Input: s = "cbbd"
Output: "bb"
1 <= s.length <= 1000
consist of only digits and English letters.
Assuming each element is the center point of a palindromic string, calculate the longest palindromic substring that can be generated for both odd and even lengths.
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
var longestPalindrome = function (s) {
let longestPalindromeString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
// Find the longest odd-length palindrome centered at i
oddLongestPalindromeString = expandAroundCenter(s, i, i);
if (oddLongestPalindromeString.length > longestPalindromeString.length)
longestPalindromeString = oddLongestPalindromeString;
// Find the longest even-length palindrome centered between i and i+1
evenLongestPalindromeString = expandAroundCenter(s, i, i + 1);
if (evenLongestPalindromeString.length > longestPalindromeString.length)
longestPalindromeString = evenLongestPalindromeString;
return longestPalindromeString;
function expandAroundCenter(s, left, right) {
while (left >= 0 && right < s.length && s[left] === s[right]) {
// Return the palindromic substring found by slicing from left+1 to right
return s.slice(left + 1, right);
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity for this solution is O(n^2)
because we expand around the center for each element in the string s
Space Complexity
The space complexity is O(1)
because we only use a few variables to store the longest palindromic substring.